
Adventures of a knucklehead mom

Friday, June 02, 2006

Math stereotype?

Ellie can count to six, sometimes to seven if she's feeling motivated.  In fact, there are times when I could swear she counts to ten.  I've got to try to capture her on videotape one day, because the way she says her numbers is hilarious.  It comes out something like, "wah, tooo, fee, fou, fy, si, seben, eigh, ny, ten."  

She seems to understand that these words belong in sequence.  When she's counting out items like blocks or raviolis, she'll say, "One, two, four . . . " then she'll frown and say "three" and put that block or ravioli in between items number two and four.

To me, this seems pretty advanced for a not-quite-two year old. I mentioned this developmental oddity to my colleagues.  One woman laughed and said, "At least she's true to the stereotype that Asians are good at math."

Well, maybe. But she knows all her letters, too!


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