
Adventures of a knucklehead mom

Thursday, September 09, 2010


We watched the third Harry Potter movie (Prisoner of Azkaban) with Ellie today. As Harry watched his friends leave school for Hogsmeade, she asked, "Why isn't Harry going with them?" We explained that he couldn't go because his uncle didn't sign his permission slip.

Her follow-up question: "Why didn't Harry just sign it himself?"


  • At 10:11 PM, Blogger kalyxcorn said…

    hee - she sounds like me watching (more like disturbing my husband while he was watching) Fountainhead. So this is a movie about an architect who won't compromise on his designs? Why doesn't he just get over himself?

    And yet here I am, making duds, ever hopeful and lucky to find peeps that'll let me do my thing! :)


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