
Adventures of a knucklehead mom

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

More talking

January 9, 2007

Ellie still can't say the "L" sound, but it's very cute. She still calls herself "Eh-ee", but now she knows her full name is Elena, especially when she's in trouble. So when I'm upset with her and call her Ellie, she gives me a big smile and says "No, Eh-yay-na"!

We sometimes give her animal crackers for a treat after dinner if she's good, and she'll tell me stories about them. Tonight she told me, "Turtle is sad. He bumped his head." Then for the next one, she said, "Duck is walking. He going to San Diego. Goes to grocery store and Best Buy too."

Hmm, can you guess where she goes with her parents? At least one fun place, San Diego, made the list.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"This one be for you"

January 2, 2007

Ellie is happy, full of songs and sentences and pretend play these days. She loves handing things out (especially cards), and now she says “This one be for you, and this one be for Daddy, and this one be for me”. Yes, I realize that this is not grammatically correct, but it's so cute that I can't bring myself to correct her.

She has the coffee table in our front room set up with her play food and dolls and her toy microwave, and she’ll tell me she’s “making own dinner now”. She then prepares a “dish” and cooks it in her microwave, uses her toy knife to spread butter, then hands it out (“Mommy eat this one”).

She can draw fairly respectable circles now, and she freaked us out with a drawing the other day. She said, “I draw seal”, and when we looked at her MagnaDoodle toy, it really did look like a seal! It had eyes and a tail and everything. Jason asked me, “Did you draw that?” because it really looked like something I might do (my drawing is atrocious). Of course, since it was on the MagnaDoodle, there was no way to save it, so we can’t prove it at all.